Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Daily Log 8/26/08

My log for today is a little off. My dentist told me not to eat anything that might get stuck in my extraction area and cause another infection. That limits me to basically soft foods. Ugh! It's also my first night of school and I'm working so I'll only have about an hour after work to get myself and the kiddos fed. I might end up just picking something up for myself on the way to school. Tomorrow is WI day so hopefully I see a bit of loss.

Flex Balance: 30 (I didn't finish my log last night but some dark chocolate dipped into these!)
Daily Points: 29

Breakfast: 1/2 mini bagel, 1TBSP WW cream cheese, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1TBSP brown sugar- 3.5pts

Lunch: Turkey bologna sandwich, yoplait light yogurt, cottage cheese (plus fruit if the cafeteria has it)- 6.5pts

Dinner: ???

Total: 10/29

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