Friday, August 22, 2008

Daily Post 08/22/08

I am going to do my best to post my daily food log, as well as exercise, every day. It's tough on work days but I'll do my best! I had cancelled WW online because we're trying to save money but I'm finding it difficult to look up points without it. I've been using the online tools for so long that it's hard to go back! So I'm signing back up today. I figure I'll stop buying Starbucks which will save not only points but also balance out the 16.95 I will pay for the E-tools.

Weigh In Day- Wednesday
Flex Points Balance- 35
Daily Points- 29

Breakfast: 1 graham cracker (1pt), 100 cal english muffin (1pt), 1/2 cup 1% milk (1pt), 1 turkey sausage link (1pt)- 4pts

Snack: 1/2 Tall Nonfat iced mocha- 1pt

Lunch: 1 slice turkey bologna (1pt), 2 slices bread (2pts), 1/4 cup light mac&cheese (1.5pts)
1/2 cup apple sauce (1pt)- 5.5pts

Snack: ??? 6 points to use but probably a banana and cheese with crackers.

Dinner: Turkey keilbasa (5pts), 1 cup red beans and rice (3pts), broccoli (0pts), veggie salad (0), croutons (1pt), black olives (0.5pts), 2TBSP spicy ranch (4pts)- 13.5pts

Total: 23/29
Fruit/Veg Servings: 5

Exercise: 30 minute after dinner walk with Jason and the kids.

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