Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daily Log~ 8/27/08

I have school tonight so I'm posting for the whole day even though we haven't had dinner yet. I've close to meeting all my goals for the day (see prior post). Today is my day off from exercising because it's a school night and we don't have time for our walk before I have to leave. We still have 5 days a week to do it though. :) I didn't have a fruit at the start of my breakfast (see weekly goals!) because I hadn't gone to the store yet and we were out of everything.

Oh and my MIL brought over a 41 OZ bag (OMG!) of Skittles the other day. No idea why. A 1 and 3 year old do not need Skittles and her son is diabetic! GRR! Anyway, Hannah was throwing fits over them and I couldn't keep my hand out of the bag. So I put a couple of handfuls in a baggie to use for potty training and THREW THE REST AWAY!! Go me! Of course I had one last handful but I counted it. :)

WI Day: Wednesday
Flex Balance: 35
Daily Points: 29

Breakfast: 1 egg, 1 egg white (scrambled), 1 slice wheat toast, 1 turkey sausage link- 4pts

Snack: Skinny Vanilla Latte, handful of skittles 3.5pts

Lunch: Tortilla Chips, 1/4 cup cheese, canned corn- 6.5pts

Snack: Apple- 1pt

Dinner: Turkey Swedish Meatballs, WW fusilli (pretty low point!), salad (lettuce, baby carrots, black olives, bean sprouts, 1/8 cup cheese, croutons), 1TBSP Spicy ranch, grapes- 11pts

Total: 26/29- I'll either keep it at that in case of an overage at dinner or have a Luna bar at class if I'm starving.

Fruits/Veggies: 5
Water: Only 4 glasses so far but I'm about to fill up my 16 oz glass again. I'm also bringing a 32oz bottle to school tonight.

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