Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday WI~ 8/27/08

Today was my first WI since I started back on WW. Not too good for a first week but still a loss. I am down 0.6lbs this week. I'm headed to the grocery store today and am going to stock up on some better snacking alternatives. I think that was my main issue last week.

Current Weight: 209
Last Week: 209.6
Change: -0.6
Goal: 180

My goals for the upcoming week are:

1. Get my 8 servings of water in every day.
2. Start each meal with a fruit/veggie.
3. No fast food. (Probably my biggest down fall this week. Within points but the salt makes you retain water.)
4. Find one new way to exercise.
5. Complete my daily food log post every day.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

It's better to lose 0.6 than to gain it! WTG!