Saturday, September 6, 2008

Daily Log~ 9/06/08

It's a late post but at least it's here! :) I didn't do too bad today. Went over into my Flex Points by a few but that's what they're there for! I told DH off for buying cookie dough today! That's one of my biggest weaknesses! Hopefully I can stay away from the rest of them, or at least figure them into my dailies...LoL

A bit of a challenge and a victory at lunch today! I had planned on walking to Boston Market for lunch at work but when I got there, they were closed for some repairs or something. I'd had my whole meal planned out and in the tracker. The only other thing close enough that I had time for was Burger King. I hadn't looked up points at all and I don't eat there often. So I made the best choice I could that I would be satisfied with and it turns out, it was one point less than what I was going to get at Boston Market! :) I could've ended up with something REALLY high in points but I made a good choice!

WI DAY: Wednesday
Flex Balance: 33.5 (after today)
Daily Points: 29

Breakfast: 1 egg white, slice 2% cheese, turkey sausage link, english muffin- 3pts

Snack: NF, No whip Pumpkin Spice Latte- 5pts (no more SB until after Wednesday morning!)

Lunch: Whopper JR w/ cheese (no mayo), Apple fries with 1/2 carmel packet- 9pts

Snack: Luna bar- 3pts

Dinner: Ham, stuffing, broccoli- 6.5pts

Dessert: 3 small cookies- 5pts

Total: 31.5/29
Water: About 64oz
Vitamin: Yup!

Exercise: Short walk on my lunch at work. (1AP)

1 comment:

alissa said...

you're doing great!