Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Daily Log~ 9/2/08

Today is our Anniversary! We've been married 2 years and together for 5 today! :) I'd love to say we're going out and splurging on an amazing dinner but unfortunately, I have class right after work from 6-10pm. Hopefully we can celebrate this weekend.

This morning the scale showed a gain of 0.6lbs since last week's WI. Hopefully that will go back down by tomorrow but I'm not expecting much of a loss. This just means I have to try even harder next week!

Jason picked out the recipes for last night and not only were they low point, they were really tasty! I think we'll try making Chinese more often!

WI Day: Wednesday
Flex Balance: None
Daily Points: 29

Breakfast: Bagel with WW cream cheese- 4pts

Snack: Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte- 2pts

Lunch: Turkey bologna sandwich, diced pears, pretzel sticks- 5pts

Dinner: Lite hotdog, bun, chili sauce, tater tots, cheese- 12.5pts

Total: 23.5/29
Water: Only about 8-10oz so far. Need to get drinking.
Exercise: None today. No time between work and school.

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