Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Weigh In and Daily Log~ 9/10/8!

Today is WI day and I'm down 3.4lbs!

I also had a maor NS victory last night and am so glad I did otherwise my loss would be a lot less. I had class until late and really wanted a quesadilla from Taco Bell after. I fought with myself the whole drive home. I actually got off the freeway and drove towards TB. And then made myself drive right PAST it! The craving went away after that. I'm SO glad I did! :)

I'm so happy that I stayed OP for a whole week! The first week is always the hardest and I think I can stck with it this time! My current goal is to be at my pre-preg weight (204lbs) before Avery's birthday on the 29th. That's only 2lbs so I'll definately make it! After that my goal is below 200 before December 1st. :)

My mom has the kiddos since I have school tonight and I got to sleep in this morning! Took me a while to get going and I ended up missing breakfast.

Flex Balance: 35
Daily Points: 28 (dropped a point today!)

Breakfast: Grande Skinny Vanilla Latte- 3pts

Lunch: Panera 1/2 SmokedTurkey with Fresh Mozzarella, bowl LF Chicken Noodle Soup, Apple, 1/2 lemonade- 11.5pts

Snack: Pumpkin Muffin- 2pts

Dinner: Pizza Pocket, cantaloupe- 5.5pts

Total: 22/28 (I'm sure I'll have a snack after class.)

Water: Eek! None! I better get drinking!
Vitamin: Yes
Exercise: Spent 3 hours walking around shopping. :) I might go for a walk tonight if I get out of class early enough.

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